Implementing diversity in the workplace is a commitment, and there’s no manual you can read about it or guide you through cultivating diversity.
Each company has its unique culture and goals when hiring employees, and diversity practices must align with its future success plans. You must keep in mind the company’s specific culture in place and have a clear understanding of where you want the company to go in terms of cultural diversity.
“Having a diverse workforce with multi-lingual employees and employees from various backgrounds can also be helpful for organizations who want to expand or improve operations in international, national and local markets.”
It is your responsibility as a manager and the company’s responsibility to provide a safe place for all your workers, boosting employees’ morale and the overall business health. Cultivating diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace are so important.
The benefit of hiring employees from different backgrounds and cultures brings a new range of viewpoints to the organization and can lead to increased productivity and better problem-solving.
Diversity within a workplace includes race, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic groups, citizenship status, military service and mental and physical conditions, and other distinct differences between people.
Having a diverse workforce with multi-lingual employees and employees from various backgrounds can also be helpful for organizations who want to expand or improve operations in international, national and local markets.
For an organization looking to cultivate a more diverse and inclusive workplace, it is essential to understand what constitutes workplace diversity. If your company actively pursues diversity in candidates will have access to a broader talent pool. Organizations should always be selective about who they hire, but being overly picky about traits that don’t matter will significantly decrease the number of potential and qualified candidates. That’s why embracing diversity is the key to finding good hires.
A 2020 Glassdoor study found that 76% of job seekers reported that a diverse workforce is essential when evaluating companies and job offers. As a result, these companies are more likely to attract the best talent.
Many studies on the subject showed that diverse teams perform better and bring more profits to the organization. A study in 2015 of 366 public companies found that organizations with higher diversity individuals in management were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their industry mean. And those with higher gender diversity were 15% more likely to have returns above the industry mean.
Another study found that increasing the diversity of leadership teams leads to improved financial performance; clearly, diversity pays off.
A 2020 Glassdoor study found that 76% of job seekers reported that a diverse workforce is essential when evaluating companies and job offers. As a result, these companies are more likely to attract the best talent.
There are many benefits to having a diverse workplace, from better work performance to increased profits.
Ask your team, open up the room for discussion to help people understand each other’s experiences and the benefit of working with co-workers from different backgrounds and cultures.